Accounting services in Vilnius for a VERY LOW PRICE

When building your business, everyone faces accounting. Keeping proper, error-free accounting is quite difficult if you do not have enough experience and knowledge. In this case, to save your time, you can order accounting services. Accounting services are a real salvation for those who want to have correct and orderly accounting. Accounting professionals will not only help you with reports, but will also represent you in various institutions, such as Sodra and others. If you keep messy reports, they are time consuming, but hiring an accountant is too expensive for your company at the moment, accounting services are a great way out. Not only will they save you precious time, but the services will cost significantly less than a new employee’s place.

How much do accounting services cost?

Prices for accounting services fluctuate widely. It depends on many things: your place of residence, what specific services you need, the size of your business and the like. Services can cost from € 50 a month to € 500 a month, and in some cases you may have to pay more. While the prices may turn out to be substantial it is still cheaper than hiring a new employee. Also, it is possible to choose accounting services remotely. This way you will not only save time but also money. These services are a bit cheaper. More and more people are interested in remote accounting services, but some suspect that it may be less reliable. If you have any suspicions, you can consult a specialist before hiring them to manage your accounting, in which case you will be calmer and you will be sure that your accounting is managed by a reliable person.

Calculation of VAT

VAT is a tax that is levied on the value added, as well as mark-ups. In Lithuania, persons who: 1) supply goods or services in Lithuania, the total amount of which has been received in more than 12,000 euros in 12 months, must pay VAT; 2) Persons who control several legal persons and all legal persons controlled by them and their own remuneration received in the course of economic activity, the amount of goods or services supplied during the last 12 months has exceeded 45,000 euros; 3) Persons who purchase goods in Lithuania from other EU countries, the value of which exceeded EUR 14,000 in the previous calendar year. Calculation of value added tax: Calculation of VAT exclusion: 2029 × 21/121 = 352.14. The amount of VAT is 352.14, the amount without VAT is 2029-352.14 = 1676.86 Calculation of VAT addition: 1676.86 × 0.21 + 1676.86 = 2029, VAT is 352.14, amount with VAT is 2029.